So you want to write tests for your front-end ?

Tests should be automated, and allow to detect regressions as early as possible. - Confucius


The React ecosystem is known for its rapid evolution and for its numerous libraries, and the testing tools make no exception to this rule. During the development of our app, we iterated a lot over the tools and the configuration that we had to use to be able to write efficient tests, and we tried a few libraries. This chapter is split in two parts :

  • in the first one, we present the available tools, along with their features and a few of their upsides and downsides;
  • in the second one, we explain how we iterated to build our final hybrid toolchain.

Once again, we would like to remind that those articles are made to explain what we found suitable to our needs, and to share what we learned by making mistakes. We are open to discuss about these content, and we would be happy to hear your feedback.

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