The React "post-mortem" guidelines

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Who we are

We are software engineers at Polyconseil, a French consulting company based in Paris.
We are passionate about technology and love to try new things and understand them deeply as we don't like to blindly follow cargo-culted best practices.
You can find our tech blog at and our public Git repositories on Github.

Purpose of this guide

Like a lot of other teams in the world, when React was open-sourced, we were quickly convinced it had found the right level of abstraction to enable the development of great web apps.
After a couple of years of using React, we learned a lot and now want to share the practices we developed internally.

We see this guide as both a "post-mortem", in the sense that it is a collection of best-practices we found out the hard way, and a set of motivated guidelines that we now follow in our React projects.
Because the React ecosystem is such a rapidly moving beast, we try to constantly improve our ways and are very eager to discuss and exchange with the rest of the community about the contents of this guide.

Our React projects

We work on many kinds of projects, some of them don't even need a user interface, but when they do need a Web UI, we know we can count on React.

Here are some of our biggest projects using React:

  • The Product Data Management application used by hundreds of engineers to design the next European space rocket
  • Gate control systems for railway station both in France (picture below) and in Florida
  • Submarine cable design tool and cost calculation
  • Backoffice monitoring apps for country-wide infromations systems

Gate control system in Paris Montparnasse Station

Talk with us

Every page of this book has a dedicated Disqus thread, which you can use to comment and give your opinion.
You may also talk with us on Twitter: @Polyconseiltech.

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